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Personal Credit Asset Evaluation Survey

  Release time:2022-05-16

According to the entrustment of banks, enterprises, government agencies or individuals, the center can conduct inquiries and investigations on the credit status of relevant individuals, including pre-employment background investigations on individuals. These circumstances usually include: the person's family background, social relations, educational background, health status, professional skills, work history, personality hobbies, economic status, loan repayment ability, credit evaluation, criminal record, etc.

The article conducts pre-employment surveys of occupational applicants to understand their backgrounds such as character, ability, education, employment and social relations.

This paper investigates the activities, behaviors and interactions of specific employees during work and in their spare time, as well as their performance and roles in specific events and work.

The article investigates the work and living conditions of salesmen and representatives abroad, such as work attitude and efficiency, living and entertainment expenses, whether they are conscientious and responsible for the company's business, morality and quality, etc.

The article investigates and solves internal employee theft, sabotage, violations of discipline and law, and cases.

The article investigates the company's senior management personnel and important internal promotion personnel to understand their ability, character, contribution, training and use value, loyalty and reputation.

Wen's personal qualifications - the person's previous work unit, why he resigned, home address, and status.

Personal credit: Forensic investigation of one person's travel, growth experience, family situation, personal hobbies, real estate, vehicles, bank deposits, equity, securities, intellectual property, etc. , property status, human resources and other information evaluation.

Private business